Monday, February 19, 2018

The Phantom of Pharma

It's been a while since I've shared a life with autism in pictures - picture.

But while I was going through some pictures I had taken this past weekend while we were all outside for the first time in forever - I came across this one.  The shading was just right and instantly the "Phantom of the Opera" image popped in my mind.  The mask he wore - the dark and light - the Jekyll and Hyde - the good versus evil...

It all applies...

I may never have seen the Phantom of the Opera -- but I know all too well the reality of the Phantom of Pharma.

And most tragically, what it has done to my son.

On the one side - such laughter and light.  How the light hides any perfections and makes his face so smooth, so serene.  So...perfect.  To look at him and be able to see the 'what was' before it was taken by the vaccinations that were neither necessary nor healthy -- is bittersweet.  What a priceless gift it is to see those few fleeting moments when our son is truly happy. To laugh with him and wonder what it is that makes him suddenly smile.  To long to hear him share the thought he had that made him laugh.  To be thankful for the rarest of moments when he seems to say to me, "This is your chance, I'm going to look right in the camera for better be quick with the'll be a while before you get another chance"...   The opportunities when I am able to capture such precious moments, I am torn.  Thankful for the glimpse into his true self - yet reminded again by the deeply piercing and painful thorn in my side that reminds me that this moment truly is -- but a glimpse.

On the other side - the darkness - the pain.  The unfairness of what didn't have to be.  How the shadows seem to highlight the imperfections lurking beneath the surface.  The damage by what was mandated rearing its splotched ugliness on a daily basis. The hardship, the confusion, the silence, the seizures, the suffering.  The endless dark maze of trying to find that thing, that treatment, that something that will bring the light of HOPEISM to cast off the mask of vaccine injury and shatter the darkness forever.

I know this picture well.

HOPEISM on one side of my son, a bone-chilling haunting on the other side.

Pharma knows this picture well too.

They created it.

They market the light of what they want you to think their vaccines, their pills will bring.  They lure mother's with the shimmering promise and sparkle of health.  Then once that fairy tale doesn't end well, they disappear.

Leaving all who love the vaccine injured in their wake of destruction.

They pay off all around them to hide the darkness that they know and lie about.

Their prayers for you to go away as fervent as your prayers to bring your child back.

But what Pharma didn't count on, was that our phantom will no longer hide under an opera house.

Our truth will not lurk in the shadows.

It will overshadow their lies.

With a blinding light.